On ti je prijatelj , tvoj pratioc , tvoj branitelj , tvoj pas . Ti si za njega život , njegova ljubav , njegov vođa . Bit će ti predan i iskren do svoga posljednjeg daha . Dužan si mu pokazati da si vrijedan ovakve odanosti .


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CH Evaland Osteen

judge: Jean-Paul Kerihuel



International Dog show all breeds

Spring Dog Show

CACIB ZAGREB 24.04.2024.

CH Evaland Osteen

judge:dr.vet.med. Tino Kotaran (HR)

excellent, Cac, Res. Cacib


National dog show

Cac Zaprešiću 16.03.22024.

CH Evaland Osteen

Judge: Nodalli Bruno (IT)

Excellent, Cac - HR, BOB

2. groups, top six


National dog show

CAC Zagreb 28.05. 2023.

CH Evaland Osteen

Judge: Mr. Mladen Ercegović (HR)

Excellent, CAC - HR, BOB

Zagreb Sumer Trophy Winer

2. groups, BEST OF GROUP III

National dog show

CAC Samobor 3.9.2022.

CH Ehidna Bordomax farm

Excellent, Best Veteran, Best of Breed

Judge: Wagner Heiko

National all breeds dog show

CAC Zagreb 13.06.2021.

Klub ptičara i španijela

CH Ehidna Bordomax farm

Excellent, CAC - HR

Judge: Vibor Ježek


Specialiti Dog Show - FCI VIII & IX group

20.06.2020. Donja Pušća, Croatia

Jack Sparow Frbul Slovakia

Intermedia class

Excellent, CAC - HR

Judge: Davor Javor



Croatian kennel club

International dog show Zagreb 24.11.2019.

Ehidna Bordomax farm

CAC, CACIB, BOS, Zagreb Winner

Aurora Conte di Istria

Best Veteran, Zagreb Winner

Judge: Smolić Nikola



Croatian kennel club

International dog show Zagreb 23.11.2019.

Ehidna Bordomax farm


Aurora Conte di Istria

BOS, Best Veteran

Judge: dr vet med Tino Kotoran



CAC Ivanić grad 19.10.2019.



FCI group 2 & 9 Special show

Samobor 31.8.2019.



Speciality dog show with CAC-HR title FCI groups 2 and 9





World dogs show Budapest 17.05.2013.

Aurora Conte di Istria open class female

excellent , 3 placement






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