Dogue de Bordeaux & French bulldog

Welcome to family Špehar's kennel, BordoMax. During all this years of breeding experience in our home were born lots of Dogue de Bordeaux and French bulldog babbies. That moment when puppy come to life is one of the most beautifull moments of breeding. Our babies and mother are under all day and night supervision from mr.Zdravko Špehar, kennel owner. He is also providing life time support to all owners of our babies. We never forgot our babies and they are always welcome in our home..also like all other dog lovers. Our dogs makes happier lots of homes in Croatia and all over the world. That is the best reward for all of our efford

We decided to share with you all of our great experience by starting first web site in south east Europe about Dogue de Bordeaux at 1996. This redesigned, third editon, of our site is extended by one more breed, French bulldog. They are really special, on their own way. 
This site is here for you and we hope that your visit will be usefull and enjoyable.

Suzana & Zdravko Špehar

Your dog doesn't know that you are evil or jelaous or greedy. He encourages you to be good and when you listen to him, he loves you.

Sir James Walpole






French bulldog, mating

poodle Coco and strawberries, Bordomax farm

French bulldog kennel Bordomax farm

Exhibition, Dogue de Bordeaux Bordomax

Dogue de Bordeaux kennels Bordomax farm

French bulldog kennel Bordomax farm

Family, Dogue de Bordeaux Bordomax farm

Father and son, Dogue de Bordeaux Bordomax farm

puppies, Dogue de Bordeaux Bordomax farm